Joni Suojanen

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3D Tower Defense with roguelite elements

Wizard Defense is a real time tower defense with a mixed with carcassone style tiles and roguelite deck building.

Prototype was created in 7 weeks in small team of 3.

Pc (Unity)

Game Design

  • Developed in a team of 3.
  • Documenting key features into a game design document.
  • Co-planning sprints and backlog for agile scrum.
  • Pitching and developing mechanics in preproduction phase.
  • Balancing ingame values in Unity / Excel.
  • Pitched 1st place Wizard Defense at Demo pitch competition (XAMK Demo Day 2022).
  •  Game Core Loop

    Game Core loop - Player can build your roads with their tile deck. After this the enemies attack and player can customize their deck.


    • Programmed a prototype in 7 weeks using C# programming language.
    • Designed activity diagrams and script interaction schematics.
    • Created game builds and maintained Github repository for the team.
    • Compiled assets together in Unity.
     Data Schematics

    Schematics depicting the script connections, which retrieves prototypes values and places them to interactive UI of the game.


    The game idea was created in a short 6 hour paper jam, during which we tested the concepts with a paper prototype. The prototype was done using sticky notes and paper.

    The goal was to test a concept and find any major problems with the game, before committing any major time to it.

    The paper prototype indicated the difficulty of balancing the game. Some tiles and towers were more powerful than others and could break the balance with certain combos.

    The theme also was reconsidered. The original prototype was bug themed, which limited target audiences interest. Due to this the theme was changed to fantasy.

    Based on the results of paper prototype the elements of the were put into a form of mood board.

    Paper Prototype

    Wizard Defense - Early paper prototype. Theme was originally about bugs defending nests , but was changed later.

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot of menu.

    Screenshot 2

    Screenshot of gameplay.

     ScreenShot 3

    Screenshot of gameplay.